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5 Steps to Well-being

5 Steps to Well-being

This month, I am delighted to be taking part in the Oh Shala Festival in South Bucks. This weekend is devoted to well-being and community, with a programme filled with activities that promote creativity, activity, relaxation and exploration. With this in mind, I’m looking at natural ways in which we can promote our sense of well-being.

What’s the Best Medicine?

Health is a top priority when it comes to living life to the full. So what can we do to keep our minds and bodies in the best of health? I suggest these steps to maintain your well-being.

1. Waking up to Sunshine

At this time of year, we can enjoy one natural source of energy – the sun! Waking up on a light, warm morning is delightful. I want to get up and get busy; it’s quite a different sense to the winter, when I can’t resist an extra 5 minutes under the duvet! It’s lovely to feel the sunshine on your skin, however, if you prefer to stay in the shade, we have the perfect solution.

Whether you are heading to the park for a picnic, a day at the seaside or one of the many summer festivals, enjoy the glorious weather!

2. Interact with Others

I also find other people are in a positive mood on a sunny day; they venture outdoors and are willing to stop for a chat. Whether it’s a passing ‘hello’ to a neighbour or a catch-up with friends at a garden party, these connections boost our well-being.

Everyday interactions unite us and, as we are naturally sociable beings, build our sense of belonging and purpose, preventing loneliness. Is there someone that you haven’t caught up with in a while? If you are passing our shop in Cambridge Street, Aylesbury, pop in for a chat, we love to see you!

3. Keep Your Body Moving

Our bodies are designed to move and they keep working for longer if we stay active. The Oh Shala Festival includes a variety of yoga and Tai Chi sessions and I might have the opportunity to participate. This type of exercise may seem gentle, yet it is great for strengthening your core, improving posture and balance and helping energy to flow around your body.

Is your yoga bag at the ready or is walking, swimming, running, sport, dancing or gardening your preferred way to keep moving?

4. Promote Energy Flow

I mentioned energy flow as one of the benefits of movement. Many cultures believe in the importance of energy flow in our well-being and it is the basis of many alternative medicines including acupuncture and reiki.

Ancient Chinese, Egyptian and Greek civilisations also prized crystals, such as rose quartz, amethyst and black obsidian for their healing powers. They believed these beautiful stones could help energy flow and remove negative energy. This might sound far-fetched, yet quartz is known for its effective energy transfer properties. It is widely used in watches and equipment for this very purpose, so that gets you thinking!

Make Time for Sensory Delights

Do you find that your mood instantly lifts when your favourite song is played? Does the aroma of a scented candle transport you to a favourite place? Are you happy when you get creative and produce something that looks beautiful? Our senses are closely linked to memories, so they are a great form of escapism.

Making time to enjoy the sounds, tastes, smells, touches and sights that bring us joy is a great way to boost our well-being.

Well-being & Community

The Oh Shala Festival was conceived as a place to promote well-being and community. It brings together like-minded people in a family-friendly environment. I am delighted to be presenting a talk on The Power of Tea in the Listen tent on the morning of Sunday 30 July. My premium loose leaf tea fits perfectly with the plastic-free, alcohol-free and ethically-sourced themes of the event.

I’m also planning a community event in Aylesbury for Afternoon Tea Week (7-13 August) in collaboration with Tilly’s. Then, in the Autumn, I’ll be busy preparing for the Holy Cow Community Festival of Lights event for 2023. Follow our Facebook page for updates!